
Minar-e-Pakistan A Symbol of Independence

The monument Minar-e-Pakistan located in Iqbal Park, Lahore Pakistan, is a prominent national monument. Translated directly to “Tower of Pakistan” it tells about the date when the Lahore Resolution was passed on the 23 March 1940 which entailed the accomplishment of Pakistan in 1947. The stronghold Minar stands for the freedom struggle and the creation of the country as an independent state of Pakistan.

History of Minar-e-Pakistan

In 1960, a stone for Minar-e-Pakistan was laid by the President, Field Marshal Ayub Khan, on 23rd March. The construction was covered by the work of famous architect Nasreddin Murat-Khan who used reinforced concrete, masonry and stone masonry in building work. The Minar was opened to the public on the 21st of October: 2019. After that, it has gone on to become a well-known, prominent feature of the freedom movement and the bravery of the Pakistani people.


Architecture of Minar-e-Pakistan

Jharokas were used in the front and on the top of the monument, as they started to bloom and now it stands about 197 feet tall on a pedestal. Inscriptions of the Holy Quran and Hadiths of Prophet of Islam adorn the base of the tower. The whole building has four stages with steps leading us to the top ones. Also, the galleries include lounges for social gathering and the cafeteria is situated at the visitor’s disposal. Engraved on the base as well as on the outer wall of the Minar are the arguments that were included in the resolution that happened to be the foundation of this great country-Pakistan.


Construction of Minar-e-Pakistan

The platform has an elaborately designed Fictional city minar that has been made from quarried Ravi limestone, beautifully white marble shipped from Makrana, and flown in white sandstone from a faraway land. In the process of constructing Lahore it was vital to recruit the master masons and stone carvers from all over the country to decorate the delicate carvings on the stone in the most beautiful way. The same technique used in some great buildings of the region, such as the Taj Mahal, has been used in the shape of the roof and base of the tower which is petals. This whole structure gets the fine blending of the old Mughal techniques and the modern architectural styles.

Inscriptions Inside Minar-e-Pakistan

The hallways leading to the top exhibit pictures of M. Iqbal’s and some other founder and leader’s phrases, some of them written about the fight for an independent home for the Muslims of British India. Pieces of poetry from Allama Iqbal have also found their place as captions of the old-time photographs where there are progressions of events of the movement for Pakistan, all of which are housed in the Minar as well.

A Tourist Attraction

The Minar-e-Pakistan which started its journey decades ago as a marvel has now become the most prominent tourist destination in Lahore. It will be organizing special programs on important occasions like Independence Day, Pakistan Day and Iqbal Day, which are attended by the thousands of the people at Minar-e-Pakistan. The stadium serves as a powerful symbol of national unity and is at the same time a favourite of the local people as well. This a monument that has presently become synonymous with the Pakistan Movement and symbolizes the vision of the Quaid-e-Azam in being imprinted on coins, postal stamps, and commercial products.