Data Darbar

Data Darbar The Spiritual Heart of Lahore

Data Darbar (also known as Data Durbar or Data Ganj Baksh R.A) which is one of the oldest and most famous Sufi shrines in South Asia has remained among the busiest and most popular places till date. The place is located in Lahore, Pakistan. The shrine was constructed for the shelter of the remains of Ali Hujwiri R.A, who had a popular name Data Ganj Bakhsh R.A among the Persian Sufi saints who migrated and settled in Lahore during the 11th century. Almost every other day, the shrine is visited by more than a million people with Thursday evening considered the most favored time to pay homage.

Location of Data Darbar

“Data Darbar” is situated right in the old part of Lahore; it is just beside the Badshahi Mosque. It is on the bank of the Ravi River that flows close to the membrane of the Walled City of Lahore. Despite the fact that the shrine is easily accessible by means of different means of transport, the cheapest way to visit the shrine is by walking as it is the shortest mode of transport.

History of Data Darbar

The shrine of Ebn-e-Baltahna, the name of the shrine, is built for the Persian scholar and Sufi, Ali Hujwiri R.A, who migrated to Lahore during the era of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni. He got wide repute during his lifetime as Data Ganj Bakhsh R.A due to his spiritual greatness and in the capability to drive mystical exotic experiences in them. He authored Kashf-ul-Mahjoob, a Persian treatise which is recognised as being of the earliest Sufi sketches. He is dead in 1077 and his Shrine built by the Ghaznavids. It has experienced the various expansions during the last 1000 years, although the most innovative of them are those under the Mughal rule.


Design Conception

The temple has a minimalistic and vast spatial structure intended to hold multitudes of worshippers at a time. The primary structural element is the square room constructed under a single dome which is placed within a large and open courtyard. At various stages few mosques, living rooms, and other places for visitors have been built. Various types of elaborate and attractive works such as decorative mosaic, frescoes, and paintings are available in the different parts of the shrine. Then, from outside the main entrance you will be spoilt with shops selling scripts and sweets.

Significance of Data Darbar

At that stage, one of the focuses of Sufism was Data Darbar and it has been highly respected among various orders of Sufis. It epitomizes the feeling of peace, love and the underlining similarity between the diverse Islam religion. It has not only politically and culturally but also historically enjoyed mainly sympathetic way for reuniting of different social parts.

Data Darbar

Social Services

The soup kitchen is managed by the shire administration and provides free, basic necessities to the community, including the poor hospital, library, and animal welfare centre. Often, I see the same people sitting in our courtyard and they seems to feel like it is their home by now. lith days of special events such as the death anniversary of Ali Hujwiri R.A, the community gather and free food is distributed among hundreds of people.

Best Time to Visit

In the meantime, the shrine opens its gates as early as Thursday when many people come and spend their evening at the shrine to participate in dhamaal and sama programmes. The ambiance is encompassing and pleasing, above all. Another significant event is the death anniversary called the Shrine Urs of Ali Hujwiri R.A. The celebration of his death anniversary takes place in October which transforms the shrine into a lovely light garden.